
2023-08-31 04:13:14  阅读 65 次 评论 0 条




1、英文是:Loser。“失败者”的中英文对照例句:人们有时会觉得自己是个失败者。Everyone feels like a failure at times 那些失败者往往将他们的失败归咎于社会。

2、failure英语这样说:英式 [felj(r)]、美式[feljr]。failure,主要用作为名词,意为失败;故障;失败者;破产。

3、“失败者”的英语是loser; failure; underdog。 loser造句: And hes not a loser.他也不是一个失败者。

4、I am a failure. 我是一个失败者。Elgar received many honors and much acclaim and yet he often considered himself a failure. 人们对埃尔加赞誉有加,但他却常觉得自己是个失败者。

5、最初政府不愿意承认失败。 It is the easy way out to blame others for our failure.把我们的失败归罪到别人头上倒是省事。

6、You are a failure You are a loser 例句:Failure doesnt mean you are a failure, It does mean you havent succeeded yet.失败并不代表你是个失败者,它只表明你尚未成功。


英文是:Loser。“失败者”的中英文对照例句:人们有时会觉得自己是个失败者。Everyone feels like a failure at times 那些失败者往往将他们的失败归咎于社会。

“失败者”的英语是loser; failure; underdog。 loser造句: And hes not a loser.他也不是一个失败者。

I am a failure. 我是一个失败者。Elgar received many honors and much acclaim and yet he often considered himself a failure. 人们对埃尔加赞誉有加,但他却常觉得自己是个失败者。


英文是:Loser。“失败者”的中英文对照例句:人们有时会觉得自己是个失败者。Everyone feels like a failure at times 那些失败者往往将他们的失败归咎于社会。

“失败者”的英语是loser; failure; underdog。 loser造句: And hes not a loser.他也不是一个失败者。

I am a failure. 我是一个失败者。Elgar received many honors and much acclaim and yet he often considered himself a failure. 人们对埃尔加赞誉有加,但他却常觉得自己是个失败者。

最初政府不愿意承认失败。 It is the easy way out to blame others for our failure.把我们的失败归罪到别人头上倒是省事。


1、You are loser. 你是失败者。表示丢失东西,案件败诉等失败 You are underdog. 你是失败者。

2、英文是:Loser。“失败者”的中英文对照例句:人们有时会觉得自己是个失败者。Everyone feels like a failure at times 那些失败者往往将他们的失败归咎于社会。

3、“失败者”的英语是loser; failure; underdog。 loser造句: And hes not a loser.他也不是一个失败者。

4、I am a failure. 我是一个失败者。Elgar received many honors and much acclaim and yet he often considered himself a failure. 人们对埃尔加赞誉有加,但他却常觉得自己是个失败者。

5、最初政府不愿意承认失败。 It is the easy way out to blame others for our failure.把我们的失败归罪到别人头上倒是省事。

6、You are a failure You are a loser 例句:Failure doesnt mean you are a failure, It does mean you havent succeeded yet.失败并不代表你是个失败者,它只表明你尚未成功。


You are loser. 你是失败者。表示丢失东西,案件败诉等失败 You are underdog. 你是失败者。

失败者 [词典] loser; failure; underdog; also-ran; alsoran;[例句]人们有时会觉得自己是个失败者。

英文是:Loser。“失败者”的中英文对照例句:人们有时会觉得自己是个失败者。Everyone feels like a failure at times 那些失败者往往将他们的失败归咎于社会。

“失败者”的英语是loser; failure; underdog。 loser造句: And hes not a loser.他也不是一个失败者。

I am a failure. 我是一个失败者。Elgar received many honors and much acclaim and yet he often considered himself a failure. 人们对埃尔加赞誉有加,但他却常觉得自己是个失败者。

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